Robert here. We've not kept up as well as we'd like, but we're doing our best. Things are moving along here in the TWBM camp. We're working to stay busy this summer and move into the fall with shows to play and things to share. Speaking of shows, word on the street is that the Weenie Roast is coming back to Charlotte in September, and that they are looking for a local opener. No word on how that will go down, but keep your eyes peeled and vote for us if that's something they want. I think it'll be along those lines. We could sure use your support on that one.
So that's the major news. We've got more things coming down the pipeline, but I'll keep my mouth shut on them for now. Got to keep some surprises :-)
I did, however, want to take to time to discuss the concept of creation. We just released an album, Separation Anxiety, back in May. Seems like so long ago now, even after it seemed to take forever to get there. Even now, just a few weeks later, I can already feel the itch to do more, to give you listeners more to work with, more to hear. I certainly get why it's good for bands to tour: not just for revenue, but to give the songs time to settle and really breathe. It's harder to do that in a smaller outfit like ours. That being said, we'll be pressing on with writing in the not-too-distant future, though it'll be some time before those new creations actually see the light of day. Suffice it to say, that for me--and, I think, for the rest of the band--this is something that is important. The ability to create and make something that people want to hear and want to connect with is so amazing, and I'm blessed to be able to do it. Thank you for listening and for reading and for engaging. We couldn't do it without you.
God bless,
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